Changing Your Marriage for the Better

One of the most common situations that develops in a marriage that is experiencing challenging times is a “you first” attitude to change.  Spouses look at each other and say, “When you start doing a better job with your side of this, then I will start to look at how I can help, too.”  These matrimonial stare-downs can last for months and often years, and, as the time goes by, so does hope that things will ever get better.  One of the beautiful things that the grace of Christ imparts to a marriage is the freedom for each spouse to look at more honestly at himself or herself and then commit to being the first one to change.

CCEF Counselor Winston Smith talks about this practical step in marital transformation below.  He very wisely tells married folks that when you “go first” then the marriage has begun to change.   The commitment we make to being the one to take the first step is the seed-bed where Christ grows his work in our lives.


A Helpful Side of Fear